The intimate access afforded by these interviews provides insight as to how companies are acquiring new business, what the future holds and the personal side of GovCon executives.
The most recent spotlight ExecutiveBiz published was with Oz Garcia Jr., who serves as vice president of intelligence programs at Harris CapRock Communications.
In his Q&A session, the 25-year Air Force and Air Force Reserves vet discusses his position at the company as well as transitioning from military service to the private sector.
He said of the transition, “First of all, industry is not the military. You’ve got to remember that. But, you need to bring with you the discipline and the leadership skills you developed.
Garcia also commented on what effect he sees the competitive budget environment having on intelligence community procurement.
He said, “While there are likely always going to be budgetary concerns, because of the vital importance of intelligence to the leadership here in the U.S., I don’t see a huge impact, especially in our market.”
In another part of the interview, ExecutiveBiz asked Garcia about technologies that Harris was developing.
Besides mentioning a new tri-band antenna, he talked about the reputation of Harris radios.
He said “People in the military will say that Harris products do not fail in the field. When the bullets are flying and the bombs are going off, they can always rely on their Harris products to operate and operate well.”
There is a lot more interesting content included in the Q&A with Oz Garcia, so go to and see for yourself.
Executive Mosaic’s portfolio of more than five media platforms serves to inform executives from across GovCon and the defense sector of the events, people and companies that shape their industry.