ExecutiveGov published a number of important news stories and biographies in the past week concerning the U.S. federal government.
Dr. Harvey Davis has worked at the National Security Agency for more than 30 years and currently serves as the director for installations and logistics.
His other roles at the agency have included leading recruitment and overseeing billions of dollars in infrastructure construction.
In the three part interview, Harvey discussed a number of topics including his background, how he engages with different leaders that have come through the agency and how the bleak economic times affect the agency.
“It’s kind of interesting how all of the pieces of my career have melded together. My background was in business and I actually ran retail stores before I came to the government 30 years ago. I also teach business and leadership management in the evening at the local college. So I have a foot in the academic, a foot in the commercial, and a foot in the government, he said.
When he was asked about the leaders who have made their mark on the agency, Harvey said “the best leadership that I worked with is a leadership that I felt trusted me.”
“I try and push people as hard as I can to deliver their message very succinctly: Two, three sentences. These page‑long e‑mails are meaningless. Nobody reads them. They’re lost in the busy day. My opinion is, if you can’t get my interest in two or three sentences, you’re probably not going to,” he added.
ExecutiveGov published the interview with David in three sections, which can be reached by clicking on this page.
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