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Executive MosaicExecutiveGov is part of Executive Mosaic’s portfolio of media properties and serves its executive audience by covering stories focused on federal agencies, U.S. foreign policy and each branch of government.

The website published a number of stories this week including pieces about a new deputy CIO at the VA and news about U.S. attempts to strike a deal with Iran about their nuclear research.
Arthur Gonzalez has become the Veterans Affairs Department deputy CIO for service, delivery and engineering.
He is a former senior vice president and chief information officer at TISTA Science and Technology Corp. and succeeds Wilbert Berrios, who will serve as Gonzalez’s adviser during the transition period.
Before joining TISTA, Gonzalez worked as the Internal Revenue Service’s CIO for five years, managing  a 7,000-employee organization and a $2 billion tax budget.
TISTA is helping VA update its financial and reporting systems and maintain audit readiness under a newly awarded $25 million contract.
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John Kerry is trying to move talks forward with Iran about restricting nuclear capacities in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.
“We need to get the right deal,” Kerry said. “No deal is better than a bad deal and we are certainly adhering to that concept.”
“Now that they’re there, you have to act in some good faith and an effort to be able to move towards the goal you want to achieve,” Kerry said.
Negotiations held last week in Geneva fell through because France said the proposed terms did not adequately restrict the nuclear capacities of Iran.
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