The top two lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee have proposed legislation that would change how the National Security Agency collects some telecommunications data.
Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member Dutch Ruppersberger also intend for the “End Bulk Data Collection” act
to modify the process through which the government would get authorization from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to collect data.
On the heels of this momentous development, Roger and Ruppersberger will both join the Potomac Officers Club as speakers at the “2014 GovCon Cyber Summit,” to discuss Congress’ role in shaping the country’s cybersecurity efforts, among other topics.
The intelligence thought leaders will be joined by
leaders from the executive branch, including Joe Demarest from theFBI‘s cyber division; DHS cyber leader Bobbie Stempfley,and Michael Daniel, cyber coordinator for the White House’s national security staff.
Steven Chabinsky,senior vice president of legal affairs and chief risk officer atCrowdStrike, and
Stewart Baker, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP, will also bring their private sector perspectives informed by their earlier cyber leadership roles in government.
If you are in the leadership ranks of an organization dealing with cyber threats and considerations, the summit is a must attend.
John Lambeth Becomes PAE CIO
John Lambeth has joined Arlington, Va.-based contractor PAE as CIO.
Lambeth started as CIO at QinetiQ NA in 2011 and led that company’s cloud computing security practice, as well as the process quality management and training teams.
Lambeth served as VP for Blackboard’s technology solutions group earlier in his career and led the company’s enterprise and business intelligence applications.
He is a 14-year veteran of Xerox and served as CIO of the company’s Xerox Connect business, among other leadership roles.
Horace Blackman Appointed Lockheed Health & Life Sciences VP
Horace Blackman has been named VP of health and life sciences at Lockheed Martin, where he will lead a team that works with federal health agencies.
Blackman started his VA stint in 2008 and most recently served as CIO and information technology support service director at the VA’s central office.
“Our teams safeguard crucial healthcare and personal data; enable clinical research through genomics and data analytics; support claims processing and disability examinations for millions of veterans,” said Stephanie Hill, VP and GM of Lockheed’s IS&GS civil business.
He previously worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, HPTi and AOL and is a recipient of the Federal Computer Week 2014 Federal 100 Award.
Daniel Werfel Joins Boston Consulting Group’s Public Sector Practice
Daniel Werfel has been appointed director of Boston Consulting Group’s public sector practice, where he will help government agencies formulate plans for finances, service delivery and transformation.
Werfel most recently served as acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service and appointed that agency’s first-ever chief risk officer.
The 16-year OMB veteran served as federal controller and deputy management director during his time at that agency.
Werfel was named GCN’s Government IT Executive of the Year in 2013 and has been named to Federal Computer Week’s Federal 100.
Robert Kehler Named to Inmarsat’s Board
Robert Kehler has been appointed to the board of directors at Inmarsat and will also serve on the remuneration committee starting May 6.
The 38-year military veteran is a retired four-star general who led the U.S. Strategic Command in his last uniformed role.
“We are especially pleased that with the recent retirement of Retired Admiral James Ellis Jr., we were able to appoint someone to the board who will provide a continuity of similar experience,” said Andrew Sukawaty, Inmarsat’s executive chairman.
Kehler also led the Air Force Space Command earlier in his career, where he oversaw the acquisition and operations of space and missile systems.
Tim Shea Promoted to MC Dean Engineering VP Role
Tim Shea has elevated to VP of engineering for M.C Dean’s Dulles, Va.-based engineering and construction group.
Shea will lead engineering work on electrical and integrated systems, pre-fabrication, modular delivery, maintenance, mobile operations and machine-to-machine analytics.
Bill Dean, M.C. Dean president and CEO, said Shea will help grow the company’s footprint in the data center, healthcare, transportation and technology markets.
Prior to joining M.C. Dean, Shea served as senior VP at Joseph R. Loring & Associates.