The federal government’s landlord made a long-awaited announcement this week on which GovCon firms would hold positions on a contract vehicle that covers professional services for many agencies.
Seventy-four companies won spots in the open, unrestricted portion of the General Services Administration’s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services vehicle.
Those firms will compete for task orders to provide professional services to federal agencies over five base years. Both OASIS and its small business counterpart vehicle OASIS SB also contain an option for five additional years of work.
GSA awarded positions on OASIS SB in February.
“OASIS and OASIS SB are the result of a two-year acquisition development process that involved not only the hard work and expertise of GSA’s OASIS team,” said Tom Sharpe, commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service.
Many federal agencies increasingly award contracts via IDIQ vehicles like OASIS and GovCon leaders have in turn worked to position their firms to win spots on those programs.
SRA International CFO Rick Nadeau told ExecutiveBiz that there are different rules of the road when firms such as his shift their strategy to target more contracts with multiple awardees.
“With an IDIQ, you really have to win the work twice,” Nadeau said. “You need first to win a position on the vehicle, and then you have to win the underlying task orders.”
Brett Mason, intell community VP atAC4S, described the ongoing shift to IDIQs as an indication of the industry’s current “mode where direct awards or single awards are few and far between.”
Christine Fox Returns to Johns Hopkins APL in Ass’t Director Role
Christine Fox has been appointed assistant director for policy and analysis at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Fox most recently served as acting U.S. deputy defense secretary, a role she took on in December 2013 after four months as a senior adviser at APL.
“She is an accomplished leader who has demonstrated time and again her ability to tackle the most complex national security challenges,” said Ralph Semmel, APL director.
Fox has also served as a program director within the Office of the Secretary of Defense and led the Navy‘s Center for Naval Analyses as president.
Lisa Joy Rosner Named Neustar Chief Marketing Officer
Lisa Joy Rosner has joined information and analytics provider Neustar as chief marketing officer and will be responsible for the company’s corporate and brand marketing of products and services.
The 20-year industry veteran most recently served as VP of marketing at MyBuys and is also a former CMO at NetBase.
“(Rosner) has the perfect blend of marketing savvy, strategic thinking and most importantly – focused execution -to fuel growth and innovation at Neustar,” said Lisa Hook, Neustar CEO.
Rosner has also held marketing roles at BroadVision, Brio Technology, DecisionPoint, SGI and Oracle.
David Wennergren Appointed Professional Services Council Tech Policy SVP
David Wennergren will start as senior vice president of technology policy at the Professional Services Council on June 9.
Wennergren, a nearly 30-year government veteran, serves as enterprise services group VP at CACI and joined the company last year after a prior role as the Pentagon’s assistant deputy chief management officer.
The council is chaired by Anne Altman, IBM‘s U.S. federal lead, and also includes Teresa Carlson, Amazon Web Services‘ public sector chief, and AT&T Government Solutions President Kay Kapoor.
Wennergren has also served as deputy assistant defense secretary for information management, integration and technology.
Thomas Donilon Rejoins O’Melveny & Myers as Partner, Vice Chair
Thomas Donilon has been named a partner and vice chair at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, where he will also serve as a member of the firm’s policy committee.
He most recently served as national security adviser to President Barack Obama and was involved in coordinating foreign policy, intelligence and military efforts.
Obama said Donilon ”shaped every single national security policy of my presidency” and is “one of the most effective national security advisers our country has ever had.”
Donilon first joined the law firm in 1985 and has also served as assistant secretary of state and EVP for law and policy at Fannie Mae.
Kathryn Ruemmler to Rejoin Latham & Watkins as Litigation Partner
Kathryn Ruemmler will return to Latham & Watkins as a litigation partner and member of the firm’s white collar defense and investigations practice group.
Ruemmler served as the White House’s presidential counsel and as a Justice Department official for five-and-a-half years combined.
“I leave with great fondness and respect for my colleagues at the White House, the Department of Justice, and across the government. I am also excited to rejoin my friends and colleagues at Latham,” said Ruemmler.
She served as a federal prosecutor for six years prior to her first stint at Latham.